April 16, 2022
    Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden

Imagine a litter free Oklahoma. The Oklahoma City Zoo, Pepsi and Aquafina are inviting all Oklahoma’s students, K-12, to participate in this year’s Pepsi Vending Machine Art Contest for an opportunity to win prizes and have their original art design displayed on a Pepsi vending machine at the Zoo. Incorporating the contest theme, Make Oklahoma Litter Free for Wildlife, students are asked to use their artistic talents to express their ideas for eliminating litter through art and awareness. Litter has a direct impact on all living things and waterways, and by disposing of trash and recycling properly you are contributing to the conservation of Oklahoma’s wildlife and wild places. Contest entries become property of the OKC Zoo and must be postmarked by Friday, April 16, 2022. Each of the contest’s grand prize winners (K-5 and 6-12) will have their design replicated on the cover of a Pepsi machine at the Zoo to be admired by guests for a year and receive a $300 gift card to a select OKC Outlets store! Winners from all award categories will receive a certificate and have their designs on display at the OKC Zoo. Contest details and entry forms will be available on March 8 on the Zoo’s website, www.okczoo.org/pepsicontest.