October 25, 2022
    National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum

Join us for a professional development opportunity for teachers (best suited for grades 6 –12) at the National Cowboy Museum in collaboration with the College of Education and Professional Studies, University of Central Oklahoma. This educator workshop focuses on the art and culture of the Northwest coast. Participants will engage with content experts, Eric Singleton, Ph.D. Curator of Ethnology at the National Cowboy Museum, anthropologist Timothy Baugh, Ph.D. and Dr. Kim Pennington, Associate Professor and Chair, Educational Sciences, Foundations and Research, College of Education and Professional Studies University of Central Oklahoma, and leave with practical teaching strategies. Additionally, teachers will learn about student tours and how they can complement and strengthen classroom curriculum. Participating teachers receive: – Reimbursement for one paid substitute while attending the workshop – $125 bus transportation subsidy paid to their district and free admission for students and chaperone (one per seven students) for a field trip – 20% teacher discount on one item purchased during the workshop at The Museum Store – Continental breakfast and lunch at the workshop This event is free; however, a registration deposit of $20, which will be refunded to all attending, is due at time of enrollment. Current K – 6 educators and student teachers only. Register online by October 19. Click Here to Register.